The voids in my head
wish to fill the silence,
so they speak your name.
A whisper whizzing by
as a shooting star, I wish
upon their jeweled wonders,
cosmic seas of speckled fable
the Great Bear and her cubs,
the legend of Orion,
a muse for my writings,
to dot my own constellation
scribbled idea, outlines a
vague contour of your image.
I have met many a platitude
on the dream shorelines
voyaging contradiction and clarity,
I seek no wisdom but absorb
them as I have seen traces of
millennium glory, previous
experiments before us—
scrapped to galatic dust,
streamlines of fluidic chaos,
a single strip could span a
century to decipher in full,
or one of the Lord’s lemmas:
ℵ,Λ*= ∂i;ψ
Sailing back to world reality,
the infinite unknown grounds
itself in sunshine delight and
the familiar morning sensories
beautiful birds, singing chirps
the branching greenery take
my arms, a beautiful world.
The joyous blue above and
surrounding ocean reenact
constellar visions, cloud mists
swirl as another millennium
mystery, still I love it so,
the boundless sea could swallow
me whole but instead chooses
to blanket me in serendipity,
I hear the sound of your voice
no longer as whisper of memory,
rather how it appears in full
off a lovely smile speaking
in loving words I have missed.
The mystery no longer keeps
me in thralls but enthralls
for the distant promise,
the fable in my starry mind
or the story personified,
a beautiful person.